IDEA League Grants is currently open for academically brilliant and motivated students in order to pursue higher studies at RWTH Aachen University. This award is available for the academic year 2024/2025.
To be eligible for the IDEA League Grants for Short-Term Research Stays, applicants must be current bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral candidates at RWTH Aachen University. International master’s students in their first or second semester are not eligible. Applicants should demonstrate excellent academic performance, the quality and strategic value of their proposed project, and strong academic motivation with clear prospects for career advancement.
RWTH Aachen University is one of Europe’s leading institutions of higher education in engineering and technology. Known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation, the university collaborates with numerous industries and research institutions globally. It offers a broad range of programs in engineering, natural sciences, and humanities, attracting a diverse student body from around the world.
Brief Description
- University or Organization: RWTH Aachen University
- Department: IDEA League Network
- Course Level: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral candidates
- Award: 300 to 600 euros per month
- Access Mode: Online
- Number of Awards: Varies based on application rounds
- Nationality: International
- The award can be taken in: Germany
- Eligible Countries: All countries
- Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded for any research project approved by the partner universities.
- Admissible Criteria: Applicants must be current students at RWTH Aachen University (Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral level).
- Not eligible: International master’s students in their first or second semester of study.
- Grants cannot be combined with Erasmus+, PROMOS, or UNITECH scholarships.
- Applicants must demonstrate excellent academic performance.
- The planned project should have high overall quality and strategic value for RWTH.
- Applicants should show strong academic motivation and career advancement prospects.
How to Apply
Applicants must independently organize their planned research stay at a partner university before applying for the grant. Application documents to be submitted in English via the Incoming Students Online Portal: include:
- Application form – please register via the Incoming Students Online Portal and use the form “IDEA League Research Exchange Grant for RWTH Students”
- Letter of motivation
- CV/Resume
- Research proposal (signed) by the supervising professor at the host university
- Recommendation letter from the supervising professor at RWTH
- Transcript of records
- February 1 (start of exchange May 1 at the earliest)
- June 1 (start of exchange September 1 at the earliest)
- October 1 (start of exchange January 1 at the earliest)
- Financial support for research stays abroad at IDEA League partner universities.
- Grants range from 300 to 600 euros per month.
- Stays from two weeks to six months are allowed, with preference for short stays.
- At ETH Zurich, the minimum stay for Bachelor and Master students is 91 days, no exceptions.